We’ve been supplying models to universities and colleges since the inception of our group, Cardiff Life Model Collective, in 2010. We are a loose grouping of models seeking to work together to drive up pay and conditions for models in Wales.

Why Us?

Well, it’s what we do – we’re the leading provider of life models in Wales and perhaps the best known in the UK. We’ve provided models for TV, film, news articles, artists, colleges and universities and oh so much more… We live in South Wales and there are a good few of us. We are able to hook colleges and universities up with reliable, professional and suitable models. Oh, and we always get FIVE STAR feedback. Oh, and as we’re not an agency we pay our models well, not peanuts. And you know what you get when you pay peanuts. Our models are professionals, not monkeys 🙂 Check out this video a fan made for us.


You get, instead of one model all year every year, a new model (as far as is practicable) each week. Your students, therefore, gain experience with drawing a variety of bodies, of ages, of males and females and you don’t get stuck with one model who is, perhaps, off sick for the term…


Our models are skilled professionals with many hours of working with groups behind them. As a group we can guarantee cover for sickness, we’ll organise the same model for a few weeks running for sculpture or a long pose and indeed we’ll work with you to provide your students with the best possible life drawing experience. The great thing for tutors is that we do the organising. Just give us the dates and any special requests and we’ll sort out the rest. We invoice at the end of each month.

Colleges and Universities

We come to you. But it’s not just in Cardiff that we’ll get supply models for you. We’ll travel throughout Wales and even over the border and into England to such exotic places as Exeter, Bristol and even Swindon…


We will come to you but mostly keen art tutors recommend us to their A-Level students and we make them welcome whilst helping them to increase the diversity and range in their portfolio.



Ask away! email: AndyMuse@pm.me including discussing your project and organising the right model for you.